Newmilns and Galston Brass Band is the oldest surviving brass band in Scotland. The old Newmilns Burgh Band was formed in 1833 by a group of handloom weavers and has had many successes over the years in regional and national competitions. In Galston, the band started as a reed band in 1872 promoted by the Gauchalland Coal Company, but within a few years had converted to brass as the Galston Burgh Band. It too has had a long and successful life, but in 1990 both Irvine Valley bands amalgamated and soon regained the Championship Section. This year at the Scottish Contest it once again achieved a creditable position to keep its place in the top section.

The band fulfills all its local engagements and was proud to take part recently in a commemorative service at Loudoun Kirk, welcoming the return of the veterans of the Belgian S.A.S Regiment. They had been formed and had trained at Loudoun Castle during the war. The members of the band look forward to maintaining the long musical traditions of the Irvine Valley into the new millennium. Click Here to see the past results of the Newmilns Band.

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Last updated @ 23/03/2000

Newmilns And Galston Brass Band